I believe that it is important for local companies to consistently maintain close community relationships. My company, D. Green Storytelling, was excited to perform at the Fifth Annual Summer Fun storytelling show for the Virginia Beach Department of Parks and Recreation kids on July 15, 2015. There is such a sense of accomplishment and commitment experienced when reaching the milestone of consistently performing (over four years) for a particular community group. Comparisons and connections can be made with other major goals, which are earned and completed in four years: a high school diploma, a college degree, a presidential (of the United States) term, etc. I like to think of my fifth summer concert (for this particular group) as the beginning of my second presidential term and thus creating closer ties with this wonderful organization. The reason I compare my fifth storytelling show to a second presidential term is because the connection and relationship within my local community is just as important to me as being the president of our great country. Although I have consistently maintained the number one/page one ranking for the global Google search for “children’s storyteller” (and experienced the accompanying benefits of the prestigious ranking) for several years, achieving a number one ranking as a children’s storyteller in my local community is just as notable for me.
The specific group of youngsters (for which the annual summer concerts are performed) within the Virginia Beach Department of Parks and Recreation community consists of first and second grade students enrolled in RISE (recreation, imagination, socialization, and education) summer camps. Although the children’s faces have changed throughout the years, the smiles are just as bright, the sparkle in their eyes is just as radiant, and the engagement level is just as high as when the original concert was presented for this community organization over four years ago. For example, the return of the original literacy action hero, the Powerful Pencil Lady (with a new sidekick), was just as thrilling for the children (on July 15, 2015) as was the arrival of the same original literacy action hero for the show’s audience in previous years. Nothing can compare with the level of gratitude that the children and staff have consistently expressed over the years. It makes my heart melt when children come to me after the storytelling concert to express thanks with statements such as “Thank you for the show” and “That was the greatest play I ever saw. Thank you.” A feeling of satisfaction is derived from giving back to the community. My company is proud to increase the cultural opportunities for our local children to experience the joy of the performing art of storytelling. I am well known as the Storytelling Queen. A true queen gives back to her community because consistent community involvement is a representation of authentic royalty.